Welcome To The Special Feature!

What is The Special Feature? Glad you asked. I love movies and TV shows, and I especially love the extras on the DVDs and Blu-Rays. I especially like commentaries. It’s fascinating to watch a movie or an episode and, in real-time, hear some of the insight about the process that went into creating what i’m watching. I also like listening to podcasts. So as a fan of those things, I decided to make a couple of podcasts that will allow me to give you my thoughts about what I’m watching, from a fan’s perspective.

This site is categorized into two sections: The commentary page, and the general discussion page. There will probably be more movie commentaries than the general stuff, but we’ll see how it goes.

The commentary page will have podcasts with myself, and whomever I have on with me, watching & discussing movies and possibly TV episodes.

The general discussion page will be more of an overall TV/Movie discussion podcast featuring myself and, whomever I have on, talking generally about anything and everything regarding TV and Movies.

If you have any questions/suggestions/comments please let me know at thespecialfeature@gmail.com

So thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay!

Please select one of the pages rrrrright over there –>

~ by thespecialfeature on October 30, 2010.

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